Abstract—Mobile devices become popular with the help of hardware improvements and new functions supported by many sensors. In this paper, we propose a mobile and multi-sensing fusion platform to integrate the unstructured streaming sensing data collecting as well as processing technology and build a QoS (quality of service) performance model to estimate the computing resource of the platform. We also demonstrate three mobile and multi-sensing fusion applications as the examples on the platform. Besides, we discuss the trend and challenges of combining the mobile as well as multi-sensing fusion technology and signal and information processing in mobile cloud computing in great detail. Index Terms—Mobile cloud computing, multi-sensing fusion technology Cite: Chia-Yu Lin and Li-Chun Wang, "Signal and Information Processing in Mobile Cloud Computing: Trends and Challenges," Journal of Communications, vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 659-665, 2015. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.10.9.659-665