Abstract—This paper will give a detailed discussion aboutthe authors view on Software Defined and Cognitive Radio.After an introduction on different aspects of software radioand a novel approach on cognitive radio is presented. Asproof of concept a software defined cognitive radiodemonstrator termed Falcon was built up which is describedafterwards. The Falcon is entirely based on a modularsignal processing concept. In particular, the receiver deploysmodules which process and generate log-likelihood ratio(LLR) signals, hence, providing the capability of a plug-andplay-type reconfigurability. To the best knowledge of theauthors, such a reconfigurability approach has not yet beenpursued as consequently before. Index Terms— Software Defined Radio (SDR), CognitiveRadio (CR), Controller Concept, Petri Net,Reconfigurability Cite: Alexander Viessmann, Admir Burnic, Christoph Spiegel, Guido H. Bruck, and Peter Jung, "Petri Net Based Controller Concept For Cognitive Radios in Wireless Access Networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 29-38, 2007.