Abstract—Modulation techniques have attracted increasingattention in optical wireless communications. Basic schemessuch as on off keying (OOK), pulse amplitude modulation(PAM) and pulse position modulation (PPM) have beenvalidated as suitable for the optical wireless channel. Thispaper starts from the analysis of these three modulationschemes in terms of their power and bandwidthrequirements. As a result, a new tunable hybrid modulationtechnique is proposed. The proposed modulation schemetakes the real time channel conditions into account, which isdifferent from other schemes. By employing amplitude andposition modulation selectively, a guaranteed systemperformance can be secured, without compromising powerand bandwidth efficiency. This is also a new approach torealize reliable optical wireless links. Index Terms—tunable modulation technique, papm, opticalwireless, reliable communication channels Cite: Yu Zeng, Roger.J.Green, Shaobo Sun, and Mark.S.Leeson, "Tunable Pulse Amplitude and Position Modulation Technique for Reliable Optical Wireless Communication Channels," Journal of Communications, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 22-28, 2007.