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End-To-End Network Throughput Optimization Via Physical-Layer Network Coding

Sofean A. Maeouf
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 97331, USA

Abstract—Physical-Layer Network Coding (PNC) is a promising technique that has great potentials for improving the achievable data rates of end-to-end flows through higher packet transmission rates, thereby increasing the overall network throughput. The number of IoT devices and its applications are dramatically increased therefore the necessity of higher throughput is essential. In this paper, we study the performance of the PNC transmission techniques for unidirectional end-to-end flows in multi-hop wireless networks and compare it with that of the traditional transmission techniques. We first derive the bit-error rate (BER) that the PNC transmission technique achieves, and then using that, we evaluate the network throughput measured as the aggregate throughput of multiple unidirectional end-to-end flows. Using simulations, we show that PNC increases the overall achievable network throughput, especially under medium to high signal-to-noise ratios.
Index Terms—IOT, Network coding, Physical-Layer Network Coding (PNC), Throughput, Bit-Error Rate (BER)

Cite: Sofean A. Maeouf, " End-To-End Network Throughput Optimization Via Physical-Layer Network Coding," Journal of Communications, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 414-421, 2018. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.13.8.414-421.