Home > Published Issues > 2023 > Volume 18, No. 12, December 2023 >
JCM 2023 Vol.18(12): 759-767
Doi: 10.12720/jcm.18.12.759-767

Dual-Band Dipole Antenna on an EBG Substrate for 5G Sub-6 GHz Wireless Communication Applications

S. Said1, 2, *, A. Es-salhi1, K. Kassmi3, A. Messaoudi 3, A. Kaabal 4, E. Baghaz5, and A. Faize 6
1.Departments of Physics, Research Center, High Studies of Engineering School, EHEI, Oujda, Morocco
2.Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Mohamed Premier, Oujda, Morocco
3.Departments of Physics, Superior School of Technology, University of Mohamed Premier, Oujda, Morocco
4. Departments of Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Al-Hoceima, Morocco
5. Laboratory of Electronics, Instrumentation and Energetic, Department of physics, Faculty of Sciences, ChouaïbDoukkali University, El Jadida, Morocco
6. Department of Physics, Polydisciplinary Faculty, University of Mohamed Premier, Nador, Morocco
*Correspondence: said.sara63@gmail.com (S.S.)

Manuscript received May 20, 2023; revised June 22, 2023; accepted August 3, 2023.

Abstract—With the increasing proliferation of communication devices and modern technologies, compactness has become a critical concern in antenna system design. Utilizing structures to reduce the size of antennas while preserving their performance characteristics is a complex challenge that requires a multidisciplinary approach. Traditional antennas operate by leveraging the electromagnetic properties of materials and specific geometries to emit or capture radio waves. However, these conventional antennas are often ill-suited for compact devices. One of the innovative approaches to address this issue is presented in this paper, which involves in the application of electromagnetic band gap structures below a half-wave dipole antenna appropriate for wireless communication systems. Using the electromagnetic bandgap structures and the superstrate results in an additional frequency descent of the dipole antenna, simultaneously, it allows to operate on the 2.6 and 3.5 GHz bands with a single antenna and also improves its performance (gain, directivity, antenna efficiency). Due to the use of the electromagnetic band gap structure in the proposed structure, the return loss of the dipole antenna is very low and the efficiency of the antenna is improved. Additionally, this technique reduces the antenna profile by 32%. At first the antenna operates in a 3.5 GHz frequency range, by introducing the electromagnetic bandgap structures, it operates in two frequency bands at 2.6 GHz and 3.5 GHz, appropriate to 5G applications. This antenna configuration is realized and measured to validate our simulation design.

Keywords—electromagnetic band gap, radiation pattern, dual-band dipole antenna

Cite: S. Said, A. Es-salhi, K. Kassmi, A. Messaoudi, A. Kaabal, E. Baghaz, and A. Faize, “Dual-Band Dipole Antenna on an EBG Substrate for 5G Sub-6 GHz Wireless Communication Applications," Journal of Communications, vol. 18, no. 12, pp. 759-767, December 2023. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.18.12.759-767

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