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Internet of Things: Extracting Latest Challenges and Solutions

Hesham M. Allam and Ahsan A. Chaudhri
Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai, 16062, UAE

Abstract—IOT is an evolving technology and expected to bring the next phase of revolution in it industry by connecting any device anywhere by any available means. The potential of IOT applications is abundant allowing users to have real-time feeds from surrounding and distant objects helping in making intelligent decisions. Despite the potential benefits of IOT, there several challenges that needs to be address for IOT to harvest its potential benefits. This paper tackles recent challenges and proposes some solutions concerning IOT. We followed a systematic review of the latest literature covering IOT and extracted nine distinct categories of challenges including standardization and harmonization, connectivity, power management, security, privacy, trust, complexity, evolving scenarios, socio-ethical considerations, network technology, complexity, and rapid evolution. Further, the paper discusses the latest solutions evolved ranging from flexible radio standards, wireless sensor networks, wireless battery charging technology, ipv6/6lowpan protocols, privacy broker techniques, flexible IP protocol, to wireless identification and sensing platforms.

Index Terms—IoT, privacy, security, trust, identification, RIFD, network, ubiquitous, challenges

Cite: Hesham M. Allam and Ahsan A. Chaudhri, "Internet of Things: Extracting Latest Challenges and Solutions," Journal of Communications, vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 538-542, 2017. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.12.9.538-542.