Abstract—Cross-layer optimization is an effective mechanismto improve wireless network performance and efficiency.Although cross-layer optimization is not a new technique, itcan be applied effectively to different wireless technologiesto handle different problems while still conforming to thewireless standards. Utility functions are constructed frommeasurements of the different OSI layers to provide inputinto our Cross-Layer Optimization Engine (CLOE).ZigBee technology was chosen as the test platform todemonstrate our proposed mechanism. Experiments wereperformed in simulated and live environments. Variousmobility scenarios allowed observation of ZigBee deviceswith default operations and with CLOE. Our results showthat CLOE can provide ZigBee with significant energysavings. Index Terms—Cross-Layer Optimization, Energy Saving,Resource Allocation, ZigBee Cite: C. Hager, D. J. Shyy, and J. Ma, "Cooperative Cross-Layer Design for Wireless Networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 3, no.4, September, pp. 49-58, 2008.