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European H2020 Project WORTECS Wireless Mixed Reality Prototyping

Olivier Bouchet 1, Dominic O'Brien 2, Ravinder Singh 2, Grahame Faulkner 2, Mir Ghoraishi 3, Jorge Garcia-Marquez 4, Guillaume Vercasson 5, Marcin Brzozowski 6, and Vladica Sark6
1. Orange Labs, Cesson Sévigné 35512, France
2. University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3PJ, UK
3. PureLiFi, Edinburgh EH12 5EZ, UK
4. Oledcomm, Vélisy 78140, France
5. B COM, Cesson Sévigné 35510, France
6. IHP Microelectronics, Frankfurt (Oder) 5236, Germany

Abstract—This paper presents European collaborative project WORTECS objectives and reports on the development of several radio and optical wireless prototypes and a demonstrator targeting mixed reality (MR) application. The aim is to achieve a net throughput of up to Tbps in an indoor heterogeneous network for the MR use case, which seems to be a high throughput "killer application" beyond 5G. A special routing device is associated with the demonstrator to select the most suitable wireless access technology. Post introduction to the project, an overview of the demonstrator is presented with details of the current progress of the prototypes.
Index Terms—Optical wireless communication, fiber wireless fiber, radio, mixed reality, heterogeneous network

Cite: Olivier Bouchet, Dominic O'Brien, Ravinder Singh, Grahame Faulkner, Mir Ghoraishi, Jorge Garcia-Marquez, Guillaume Vercasson, Marcin Brzozowski, and Vladica Sark, “European H2020 Project WORTECS Wireless Mixed Reality Prototyping,”Journal of Communications vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 171-177, February 2020. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.15.2.171-177

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