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M2M Application Service Provision: An Autonomous and Decentralised Approach

Michael Steinheimer 1,3, Ulrich Trick1,Woldemar Fuhrmann 2, Bogdan Ghita3, and Gregor Frick 1
1. Research Group for Telecommunication Networks, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt/M., Germany
2. Department for Computer Science, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
3. Centre for Security, Communications and Network Research, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK

Abstract—This publication presents a novel concept for autonomous and decentralised M2M application service provision. The functional architecture of the approach is introduced as well as a detailed description of the system structure and process for application creation. Furthermore, this publication describes details about the proposed process for decentralised M2M application service management and formal description of M2M application services as well as independent validation of M2M application service configurations. Finally, the prototype M2M system realising the proposed concept is introduced and several scenarios are evaluated.

Index Terms—M2M application service, P2P, service provision

Cite: Michael Steinheimer, Ulrich Trick, Woldemar Fuhrmann, Bogdan Ghita, and Gregor Frick, "Michael Steinheimer, Ulrich Trick, Woldemar Fuhrmann, Bogdan Ghita, and Gregor Frick," Journal of Communications, vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 489-498, 2017. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.12.9.489-499.