Home > Published Issues > 2017 > Volume 12, No. 4, April 2017 >

Bayesian Trust Scheme: A Decentralized Safety Message Trust Method in Multi-Hop V2V Networks

Hanaa S. Basheer 1, Carole Bassil 2, and Bilal Chebaro 2
1. DSST - Lebanese University, Lebanon, Beirut
2. LARIFA- Lebanese University, Lebanon, Beirut

Abstract—Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) have an important role in improving road safety especially when no infrastructure is available. Inter vehicle communications (IVCs) provide decentralized communications where vehicles cooperate together to disseminate road traffic data relying on broadcasting reports and warning messages. Trusting the data of every warning message must be accomplished during dissemination as its information is public. Many researches have concentrated on securing the system entities by adding authenticity to each vehicle or aggregating digital signature. These traditional security schemes at some point needed a central management. In this paper, we introduce an approach to trust the information of the warning message before disseminating it through multi-hop V2V communications. This approach is a decentralized scheme that relies on evaluating random environment variables and their conditional dependencies using Bayesian Network (BN). Our contribution is depending on two-stage decentralize data trusting scheme that the warning message passed through before forwarding it further to avoid nodes from acting maliciously.
Index Term—V2V communication, trusting messages, message dissemination
Cite: Hanaa S. Basheer, Carole Bassil, and Bilal Chebaro, "Bayesian Trust Scheme: A Decentralized Safety Message Trust Method in Multi-Hop V2V Networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 214-220, 2017. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.12.4.214-220