Abstract—In this paper we study network coding based wireless broadcast scheduling problem in real time applications under the memory model, aiming at minimizing the number of transmissions. In the memory model, receiver has enough memory, and a receiver will buffer all received encoded packets and decode out their “wanted” packets when enough packets are received. We prove that the coding based scheduling problem under memory model is NP-hard. Based on the graph model and the matrix transformation, we propose an effective heuristic algorithm consisting of a two stage code construction. Simulation results show that our algorithm can significantly reduce the number of transmissions in most cases, which is an important performance metric in real time applications. Index Terms—Network coding, broadcast scheduling, real time, memory Cite: Cheng Zhan and Fuyuan Xiao, “Memory Aware Wireless Real Time Broadcast with Network Coding," Journal of Communications, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 997-1003, 2015. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.10.12.997-1003