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Study and Analysis of Beamforming Algorithm between LMS and SMI

Bashar S. Bashar and Marwa M. Ismail
Al-Nisour University College, Address Correspondence to Bashar S. Bashar, Iraq

Abstract—In the last ten years, intelligent antennas have played a beneficial role in developing and improving communication systems. The communication system is compellingly and authoritatively. It is requisite to increase the channel capacity and at the same time decrease the interference; smart Antennas are one of the best ways to improve the communication system by reducing interference between users and improving the Angle of Arrival (AOA). This paper analyzed and evaluated the Least mean square (LMS) and Sample matrix inversion (SMI) Through the effects of some matrix factors, the number of elements, and iterations in the algorithms. Through the results, the SMI solved the interference problem better than LMS with the less sidelobes number, using MATLAB to simulations the result.
Index Terms—Beamforming, block length, sample matrix inversion, convergence, adaptive

Cite: Bashar S. Bashar and Marwa M. Ismail, "Study and Analysis of Beamforming Algorithm between LMS and SMI," Journal of Communications vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 472-477, June 2022. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.17.6.472-477

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