Abstract—Quality of Service support plays a major rolein the Next Generation Internet. QoS routing protocolsmust cope with service differentiation to enhance thissupport. This paper proposes a service aware QoS routingprotocol, the Multi-Service routing, which is an extensionto traditional intra-domain routing protocols. It proposes anew path selection policy that guides higher priority trafficthrough the shortest path and diverts lower priority trafficthrough longer paths when service performance degradationis foreseen. Simulations results shows that the proposedrouting performs better than existing QoS routing and linkstateprotocols. Cite: Ant´onio Varela, Teresa Vaz˜ao, Guilherme Arroz, "Multi-Service: A Service Aware Routing Protocol for the Next Generation Internet," Journal of Communications, vol. 1, no. 7, pp. 57-66, 2006.