Abstract—Publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS) allowsnot only shareholders themselves but also everyone verifythe shares of a secret distributed by a dealer. It has a lot ofelectronic applications. In this paper, we propose a publiclyverifiable member-join protocol for threshold signatures. Inour proposal, a new member can join a PVSS scheme toshare the secret only with the help of old shareholders.What’s more, everyone besides the new member can verifythe validity of the new member’s share, while only the newmember knows his share. Different from previous protocols,our protocol can tolerate a mobile adversary. This proposaladapts to many electronic applications. Finally, we analyzethe security of our scheme. Index Terms—verifiable secret sharing, publicly verifiablesecret sharing, verifiable secret redistribution, verifiableencryption Cite: Jia Yu, Fanyu Kong, Rong Hao, Xuliang Li, and Guowen Li, "Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing Member-join Protocol For Threshold Signatures," Journal of Communications, vol. 3, no.7, pp. 36-43, 2008.