Abstract—Secure group key distribution and efficient rekeyingis one of the most challenging security issues insensor networks at present. In this paper, Latin square isfirstly used to construct orthogonal arrays in order to obtaint-packing designs quickly. Based on cover-free familyproperties, t-packing designs are adopted in key predistributionphase. Then based secure key-shared method,the pre-deployed keys are used for implementing securechannels between members for group key distribution. Theefficient updating the pre-deployed keys scheme is used todeal with the variety of network. The new strategy improvesthe collusion-resilience of the networks using the cover-freefamily properties, and enhances the key-sharingconnectivity of nodes with which makes key managementmore efficiently. This paper also presents in depth theoryand data analysis of the new strategy in term of networksecurity and connectivity Index Terms—Wireless Sensor Network, Cover-Free Family,Key pre-distribution, T-packing design Cite: Li Xu, Jianwei Chen and Xiaoding Wang, "Cover-Free Family based Efficient Group Key Management Strategy in Wireless Sensor Network," Journal of Communications, vol. 3, no.6, pp. 51-58, 2008.