Abstract—The presented system takes the advantage ofinformation-communication technology, ICT and introduceswireless networks’methodology into vehicles and roadinfrastructure for a significant enhancement of road trafficsafety. Warning signals are transmitted to the back ofcolumn of vehicles and it enables the distant drivers to stopin time or to make such operation automatically. Largescalesimulations for different traffic conditions have beencarried out. They show that in a pile-up scenario thenumber of collisions decreases from nearly 100% to zero asthe penetration of new system (i-radar) increases from 0 to100%. Even at 50% penetration almost all heavy collisionsare excluded and the other collisions reduced twice. Index Terms—Road traffic, wireless networks, collisionavoidance, simulations. Cite: Józef Pawelec, "An Information-Communication System for Early Warning and Collision Avoidance in Road Traffic," Journal of Communications, vol. 3, no.5, pp. 40-46, 2008.