Computing, communications, and networking have become integral parts of our daily lives through cloud services, big data analytics, and ubiquitous (and now, wearable) sensing. As these solutions mature, concerns regarding their energy efficiency, performance under large-scale highly mobile usage, and their integration with each other within the complex ecosystem of our digital lives have taken the front seat. Cloud computing and big data analytics solutions have started to face practical challenges regarding energy costs, impacts on existing networking solutions, and the demands of ever-increasing usage of these increasingly essential services. To address this solution that takes this holistic view and provide improvements in performance have emerged. Wireless sensor networks provide a virtual layer to access our physical world. Previous research on wireless sensor networks was mostly focused on basic data gathering, routing, and simple gateway design to an external network. However, wireless sensor networks have extended to new application domains including healthcare, wireless body area networks, and vehicular sensor networks. Recent contributions to wireless sensor networks include sensor data analysis, quality-aware routing, energy-aware routing, and application specific data aggregation. To enable these complex interactions requires robust information transfer solutions by means of reliable wireless links. Advances in improving the error resiliency of these links and utilizing various dimensions of resources under disposal for the requirements of applications are increasingly sought after...