Abstract— Radio measurements play a crucial role in mobilewireless networks as they are input of Radio ResourceManagement (RRM) mechanisms, needed to assess mobilenetwork reliability and to supervise the planned coveragearea. Nevertheless, these measurements are used in theircrude state without any additional intelligent treatmentwhereas they are a rich and unexploited source ofinformation for the network. In this paper, we propose anew approach for the manipulation of existing radiomeasurements in wireless mobile networks. The goal is tooptimize the use of these measurements with newapproaches of exploitation in different locations of thenetwork, basing on advanced signal processing tools.This new approach is based on nonparametric regressionand smoothing methods. Interesting results are inferredfrom this analysis, based on real measurement tracescollected in different environments and situations. Mainresults are the elaboration of a dynamic estimator of theattenuations components (pathloss, shadowing and fastfading), a method for the determination of the mobile usersituation (incar, pedestrian and unmoving) as well asameliorations in the handover procedure.We conclude that integrating advanced radio signalprocessing in RRM mechanisms is an efficient and easy-toimplementway for a better use of radio measurements. Index Terms—Radio measurements, optimization, wirelessmobile networks, non parametric, smoothing, regressionmethods Cite: Afef Ben Hadj Alaya-Feki, Alain Le Cornec, and Eric Moulines, "Optimization of radio measurements exploitation in wireless mobile networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 59-67, 2007.