Abstract—To address the emerging issues of aging society,new technology creates many opportunities to solve theproblem of care service and increases added-value in thedigital family. Therefore, this paper analyzes thecharacteristics of WiMAX wireless technology and itsapplications in healthcare service. To investigate the localusers’ demand of wireless service, this research conducted aquestionnaire survey in Hualien County, Taiwan. Thefindings from the analysis of the 230 returned sample datademonstrate that the new applications and service providedthrough WiMAX wireless technology is highly appreciatedby the people. Based on these findings from surveys and indepthinterviews conducted in the local area, this paperproposes a strategy map for the development of the M-care(Mobile care) service through a five-force analysis of theindustrial value chain and a SWOT analysis of wirelesshealthcare delivery in order to provide advice to WiMAXvenders on how to create new business for M-serviceprovision. Index Terms—WiMAX, M-Care, Wireless Service BusinessModel, Healthcare Service, Aging Society Cite: Paul T. Y. Tseng and Huei-Huang Chen, "Reinventing Healthcare Service through M-care Business Model: The Strategy Analysis of WiMAX Adoption," Journal of Communications, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 35-41, 2007.