Abstract—This paper presents a packetization strategy forthe reliable electronic distribution of Digital Cinema (DCinema,DC) content. In this paper, new experimentalresults and design improvements are introduced, withrespect to those presented in [1]. A reliable multicastprotocol was used to send high definition DC video contentsto multiple receivers, allowing them to correctly acquire theentire stream. NORM (NACK Oriented Reliable Multicast)was chosen as multicast protocol, because of the guaranteesoffered on the reliable transmission of data. The targetresult is to send reliably DC contents, by exploiting anumber of multicast-enabled heterogeneous networks, suchas fiber, satellite, WiMAX, etc. The results show that areasonable transfer speed may be achieved even in presenceof low transmission bandwidth and moderate packet lossrate. Index Terms— Digital Cinema, WiMAX, wireless networks,multicast, JPEG 2000 Cite: Paolo Micanti, Giuseppe Baruffa, and Fabrizio Frescura, "Reliable D-Cinema Multicasting over Heterogeneous Networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 25-34, 2007.