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High Efficient Mobile WiMAX with MIMO and Multihop Relay

Yan Q. Bian1, Andrew R. Nix1, Yong Sun2, and Joseph P. McGeehan2
1. Centre for Communication Research, University of Bristol, UK
2. Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, Bristol, UK

Abstract— MIMO and relay technology is currently beingpromoted within the IEEE to enhance performance ofbroadband wireless standards such as WiMAX. However,due to licensed spectrum, it is necessary to implement highlyefficient radio resource management. For optimal systemdesign, it is beneficial to achieve higher system datathroughput with fewer radio resources employed. Thispaper presents a comprehensive study of MIMO mobileWiMAX with multihop relay technology for high efficientmultiuser transmission. A directional distributed relayingarchitecture is introduced in order to leverage link-level andsystem-level capacity. Practical applications are alsodemonstrated for an example urban environment.

Index Terms—WiMAX, MIMO, multihop relay, spectralefficiency, radio resource sharing, interference, ray tracing,subchannel allocation

Cite: Yan Q. Bian, Yong Sun, Andrew R. Nix, and Joseph P. McGeehan, "High Efficient Mobile WiMAX with MIMO and Multihop Relay," Journal of Communications, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 7-15, 2007.