Abstract— Wireless communications is now completelypervasive, and already is used in many guises by people ineveryday life. However until now, the informationexchanged has been mainly standard electronic forms ofstandard data such as text, images, video. More recently,attention has been increasingly focused on sensor-baseddata, which presents rich new areas for applications andresearch, particularly in the area of life-loggingapplications. Thus, focus must shift to developing new andnovel sensor layers to bridge this interface between the realworld of the body and the digital world of communications.The easiest means to do this is with wearable sensors, butthis in turn raises the issue of ‘comfortable’ bodymonitoring systems. If the “wearable” device isuncomfortable then user compliance will be greatlycompromised. At present many conventional sensors areunsuitable for wearable body monitoring devices, however,in this paper, we present a prototype wearable device whichwas used and compared to an established non-wearablemethod for monitoring breathing frequency. Index Terms—wireless personal communications, bodysensor networks, wearable sensors, conducting polymers,personalized healthcare. Cite: Sarah Brady, 2Brian Carson, Donal O’Gorman, Niall Moyna ,and Dermot Diamond, "Body Sensor Network based on Soft Polymer Sensors and Wireless Communications," Journal of Communications, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 1-6, 2007.