Abstract—The Alfred Mann Foundation is developing anetwork of up to 850 injectable devices that havestimulating, sensing and communication capabilities.Each of the devices is coordinated via radio signals ahundred times a second by an external small module. All thedevices are powered by lithium-ion rechargeable batteries. Thestimulating, sensing, and communication circuits are designedto be highly power efficient to maximize battery life. Thestimulator can be programmed to deliver pulses in the range: 5μA to 20 mA, 7 μs to 2000 μs, and frequencies up to 4000 Hz.Bursting, ramping, and other stimulation features are included.The voltage sensor covers the range 10 μV to 1.0 V withbandpass filtering and data analysis. The implant also containssensors for pressure, temperature, DC magnetic field, anddistances between implants. Cite: J. H. Schulman, "Stimulating and Sensing Network Inside the Human Body," Journal of Communications, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 73-78, 2007.