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Secured Service Discovery Technique in IoT

Ali H. Ahmed, Nagwa M. Omar, and Hosny M. Ibrahim
Deptartment of Information Technology, Assiut University, Egypt

Abstract—Service Discovery is a process of automatically finding appropriate services and their providers in IoT taking into consideration requests’ context and QoS. In IoT, many heterogeneous objects offer different services so it is challenging to locate desirable services due to the considerable diversity and large scale. An algorithm for securely locating, delivering, and matching of services is a must for providers and consumers. The use of complex algorithms and powerful fixed infrastructure is infeasible due to the limited resources of most IoT devices. This paper introduces a secure and broker based service discovery technique that deliver services to consumers taking into consideration context and QoS in addition to provider trustworthiness. Service consumer submits an encrypted version for his query to a centralized broker, this broker manages a trust value to the connected objects besides to monitoring devices’ QoS. Based on the services’ queried QoS, context, and trust records, the broker matches consumer query to the most appropriate provider. Finally the broker distributes session key to the communicating entities to secure their further communications during service delivery.
Index Terms—IoT, Secure service discovery, QoS, trust, Fog Computing

Cite: Ali H. Ahmed, Nagwa M. Omar, and Hosny M. Ibrahim, "Secured Service Discovery Technique in IoT," Journal of Communications, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 40-46, 2018. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.14.1.40-46