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A Blind Adaptive Kalman-SIC MUD Algorithm of the Wireless Multiple Access Mobile Communication System

Weiting Gao, Hui Li, and Gang Xing
Department of Electronic Information, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, 710129,China

Abstract—The multi-user detection precision of successiveinterference cancellation (SIC) detector is always affected bythe decision error diffusion. This paper focuses on the SICalgorithm of direct sequence spread spectrum code divisionmultiple access (DS-CDMA) system with strong multipleaccess interference (MAI) and inter symbol interference (ISI). Ablind adaptive Kalman-SIC multi-user detection (MUD)algorithm is proposed in this paper. This algorithm can totallytrack the time-varying channel, minimize the detection errordiffusion, and thus effectively suppress MAI and ISI.Simulation results show that the blind adaptive Kalman-SICalgorithm is of better tracking ability, convergence anddetection precision.  

Index Terms—Successive interference cancellation, Kalman,DS-CDMA, multiple access interference.

Cite: Weiting Gao, Hui Li, and Gang Xing, "A Blind Adaptive Kalman-SIC MUD Algorithm of the Wireless Multiple Access Mobile Communication System," Journal of Communications, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 579-585, 2013. doi: 10.12720/jcm.8.9.579-585