Home > Published Issues > 2008 > Volume 3, No. 6, November 2008 >

A Hexagon-based Key Pre-distribution Scheme for Large Scale Static Wireless Sensor Networks

Xuanxia Yao1, Xuefeng Zheng2, and Tao Wu3
1. School of Information Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China
2. School of Information Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China

Abstract—In order to improve the secure connectivity &expansibility of static wireless sensor networks, decrease thememory costs of sensor nodes, an efficient hexagon-basedkey pre-distribution scheme is put forward by employingthe ideas of the grouping key management and secretbinding. In this scheme, the process of establishing pair-wisekeys for neighboring nodes in the network is limited in thebeginning of the network deployment, and when adding newsensor nodes into the network, the process of establishingpair-wise keys for the new nodes and their neighbors needsto be verified by the base-station. For the neighboring nodesin the same group, the polynomial-based key predistributionscheme is used to generate pair-wise keys forthem. And for the neighboring nodes in different groups,the binding secrets generated by a HMAC are used toestablish the pair-wise key. In addition, by analyzing therelations among the radius of the cell, the probability of thesecure connection, memory costs and other parameters, themost appropriate value of the cell’s radius is found, whichcan optimize the hexagon-based key pre-distributionschemes in the aspects of secure connectivity and memorycosts.

Index Terms—wireless sensor networks, key predistribution,hexagon-based model, secret binding, HMAC

Cite: Xuanxia Yao, Xuefeng Zheng and Tao Wu, "A Hexagon-based Key Pre-distribution Scheme for Large Scale Static Wireless Sensor Networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 3, no.6, pp. 19-26, 2008.