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Image Compression as a Variation Calculus Task

Dmitry Kalistratov
Department of Radioelectronics, Tula State University, Tula, Russian Federation

Abstract—This paper is devoted to the problem of increasing the compression ratio and quality of decoded images with high-frequency spectrum. It also addresses the problem of regulating priorities between these parameters. This is very important for communication systems that operate by widescreen video images, because the transmission speed, energy costs and image quality depend on compression ratio. The indicated problems are solved by the methods of wavelet transform in combination with methods of variation calculus. The novelty of the proposed technical solution lies in the fact that the compression of the high-frequency component of the Haar wavelet transform is considered as a variation calculus task. Choice in favor of the compression ratio or the image quality is made by setting the values of the weighting coefficients in the objective function.
Index Terms—Digital video image, compression, code volume, image quality, priorities, functional, variations

Cite: Dmitry Kalistratov, “Image Compression as a Variation Calculus Task,”Journal of Communications vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 95-100, January 2020. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.15.1.95-100

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