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Bandwidth Consumption Gains for Improving Smart Grid QoS

Hala G. Farrag, Reham S. Saad, and Hala A. K. Mansour
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra, Benha University, Egypt

Abstract—Recently, the smart network performance is great significance in quality of service. When the Energy server provider requires several types of information signals with different requirements from all nodes it manages. These signals will meet some interference when sent in view of the limitation of bandwidth for wireless technologies. To insure from receiving information signals its required suitable modulation schemas Proportional to hugging data signals whereas any wireless communication technology performance depends firstly on bandwidth factor and latency. This paper explains bandwidth consumption gains (BCG) to match the appropriate communication technologies that enhance the QoS of Smart Grid.

Index Terms—Smart Grids, Different Communication Technologies, Bandwidth, Latency Factor, Different Nodes, Bandwidth Consumption Gain (BCG), Energy Service Provider (ESP) 

Cite: Hala G. Farrag, Reham S. Saad, and Hala A. K. Mansour, "Bandwidth Consumption Gains for Improving Smart Grid QoS," Journal of Communications, vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 656-661, 2019. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.14.8.656-661