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Phase Stabilization Method Based on Optical Fiber Link

Zhao Hua, Lv Qing, and Jin Huilong
Department of Communication Engineering, Hebei Normal University, Career Technical College No. 20 South Second Ring Road, Shijiazhuang, 050024, China

Abstract—In this paper, we propose and prove the scheme by stabilizing the fiber link time delay in the increase of the signal’s (RF) transmitted phase stability. Let radio frequency signals (RF) transmit between the intermediate node and a distal end to obtain the difference of time delay. The faster and smaller proportion of delay fluctuation are eliminated by the piezoelectric fiber stretchers (PZT), because the piezoelectric fiber stretcher (PZT) has a short response time and fine adjusting granularity. The large and slow part of the delay variation is used to adjust wavelength tunable laser (WTL) to change the wavelength. Different wavelength of light carriers have different transmission speeds in the fiber, since we can get a the delay variation of the dispersive-induced optical fiber link and a big compensation range, which can be used to eliminate the delay variation caused by the fiber link . The delay variation is in proportion of the compensation range, which means that you can achieve long distance transmission. In the actual optical fiber communication transmission system, stabilizing delay fiber link is not the final goal, the final goal is to eliminate time delay in order to achieve the signal with the stabilized phase received at the distal end. So the signals of the intermediate node and a distal end have the same frequency and same phase. In addition, this method can implement multipoint-to-multipoint transmission, which can be used to improve the transmission capacity of optical fiber link.
Index Terms—Radio frequency signal, time delay phase compensation, optical fiber link

Cite: Zhao Hua, Lv Qing, and Jin Huilong, "Phase Stabilization Method Based on Optical Fiber Link," Journal of Communications, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 291-297, 2017. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.12.5.291-297