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Robust Beamforming and Artificial Noise Design in K-User Interference Channel with Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer

Yuan Ren, Jian Zhou, and Hui Gao
School of Information and Communication Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China

Abstract—In this paper, we investigate the robust beamforming and artificial noise design for simultaneous wireless information and power transfer in K-user interference channel, where a secure user is wiretapped by an energy receiver (external eavesdropper). With only imperfect Eavesdropper's Channel State Information (ECSI) at the transmitters, we aim to maximize the worst-case secrecy rate of the secure user, while guaranteeing the individual power constraint at each transmitter, the quality of service requirements at the wiretap-free nodes and the energy harvesting requirement at the energy receiver. Adopting the ellipsoidal uncertainty model of imperfect ECSI, our design goal is reformulated as a two-stage optimization problem, which can be solved efficiently with the help of rank relaxation and one-dimensional line search. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed design in different scenarios.

Index Terms—Robust beamforming, artificial noise, interference channel, simultaneous wireless information and power transfer

Cite: Yuan Ren, Jian Zhou, and Hui Gao, “Robust Beamforming and Artificial Noise Design in K-User Interference Channel with Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer," Journal of Communications, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 740-747, 2016. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.11.8.740-747